Not From Me But For Me
Peter began to say to Jesus, “We have given up everything and followed you.” Jesus said, “Amen, I say to you, there is no one who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children…
Night Vision: A Reflection on the Transfiguration
I often receive images in prayer, but that night in prayer group they were different. Usually, the images were personal—if not for me, then for someone else with me. They were usually something to encourage or inspire, or perhaps (gently)…
Love in All the Wrong Places: On Leaving Behind the “Land of Transactions”
C.S. Lewis once wrote that God “whispers in our pleasures, but shouts in our pain.” Years ago, l was living a “season of shouting”—when I was wrestling with deep spiritual longing and angst, but not yet recognizing God’s voice in…
I See What You Did There
I am among the reluctant fans of The Chosen. I must confess that when it first came out, I refused to watch it. I usually find myself disappointed even in regular film when I’ve “read the book first.” So often,…
So Close: The Breath of God
It happened so quickly that I didn’t have to time to be afraid. It was so sudden that there wasn’t even time for her Grandparents, watching from the balcony above, to cry out. We had been swimming—or more accurately, Zippy…
The Lie of Lack
The women on both sides of my family loved to play cards. My grandmother and my aunt introduced me to all sorts of fun games. Most of them I’ve forgotten, but I do remember that my favorite was War, and…
Who is in the Manger?
‘Twas a few days before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except me. Rising early, I slipped downstairs to steal some time in solitude and silence before the others awoke and my attention and energy…
Thomas Didn’t Get It
“How is this night different from all other nights?” The youngest child in a Jewish family asks this question on the night of Passover. We could ask a similar question on Divine Mercy Sunday—why is this feast any different? We’ve…
The Charcoal Fire
Among my favorite smells of spring-going-on-summer is a charcoal fire. The scent summons me back to childhood summers when, draped in damp towels after swimming, we would gather after sunset around a charcoal fire at the town park. I loved…
Light-Bearing Angel
Agatha Christie is best known as a writer of mysteries, particularly those featuring detectives Hercules Poirot and Miss Marple. She has been called the Queen of Crime, and was even awarded the more official title of Dame of the British…