The Blended Rosary 4th Mystery: Prophecy and Promise
Note: This is part 4 in a 5-part series written for You can read part one here, part two here, and part three here. The Fourth Mystery The Presentation in the Temple; The Transfiguration; The Carrying of the Cross;…
Night Vision: A Reflection on the Transfiguration
I often receive images in prayer, but that night in prayer group they were different. Usually, the images were personal—if not for me, then for someone else with me. They were usually something to encourage or inspire, or perhaps (gently)…
Blessed Is She Who Believed
As a child I loved Holy Saturday. It was a day of Much Anticipation. The more sad and somber liturgies were completed, as was the long Lent and the fasting of Good Friday. Night would bring the wonderful Easter Vigil.…
What Kind of God
Recently it seemed that a wish was about to come true. It was the wish that I made the last three years while blowing out birthday candles. The wish that I had been working tirelessly for and praying for on…
Not Dumb Forever
“God wounds only to heal.” His eyes were filled with compassion, as he spoke these mysterious words. Moments ago, this priest had told me that God was going to answer my prayer for joy (fulfilled first here); now he seemed…